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Our facial plastic surgery specialist, Dr. Ali Sepehr, uses his extensive knowledge of facial anatomy as well as his artistic eye to custom-tailor each procedure. Dr. Sepehr designs each treatment plan to minimize common signs of facial aging, create a more youthful appearance, and achieve results that still look natural. He takes great care to avoid that “overdone” look, and focuses on smoothing lines and wrinkles, tightening and toning the skin, improving symmetry, and enhancing overall facial harmony. Below, you can view before-and-after photos of our patients at The OC Center for Facial Plastic Surgery. Prospective patients who are considering one of our surgical or non-surgical procedures can use this resource to see the potential results that can be achieved from specific treatments. Our gallery photos can also be a useful tool during the consultation process when discussing your unique goals with Dr. Sepehr. To learn more about our facial rejuvenation options, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today.